Inspection Supply Chain Training CEO


Planning and supervision of lifting operations

As Lifting operations is basic part of various fields and industris like oil and gas, Marine constructions which have potentials risks  on personnel and equipment during the operations.

So, having a lifting plan which is prepared according to safety and lifting international standars and implementing it under supervision of a competent person to avoid the occurrence of these risks and save time in safe and professional way.

Lifting Plan: 
is an important planning process  that will identify all hazardous situations that might encountered during lifting process according to international standards and contains the roles and practices of all  persons involved  in the operation like ( lifting supervisor, Banksman, Crane Operator, Rigger, Flag man, etc.,) taking ground and weather condition in consideration 

Having a lifting plan which is prepared according to safety and lifting international standards and implementing it under supervision of a competent person to avoid the occurence of these risks and save time in safe proffessional way 

Lifting Plan  is and important planning process that will identify all hazardous situations. that might be encountered during lifting process accourding to international standards and contains the roles and practices of all persons involved in the operation like ( lifting supervisor, Banksman, Crane operator, Rigger, Flag man, etc. ) taking ground and wither condition in consideration 

Planning and supervision of lifting operations

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