Inspection Supply Chain Training CEO

NASP / Ergonomics

NASP / Ergonomics

Course Outline

  • Introduction and Definition of Ergonomics
  • Benefits of Ergonomics
  • Physical Stressors That Cause Ergonomic Disorders
  • Understanding Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)
  • Types of CTDs
  • Preventing CTDs
  • Eyestrain and Video Display Terminals
  • Symptoms of Eyestrain
  • Preventing Eyestrain
  • Workstation Design
  • Injuries from Work Process
  • Employee Involvement in Ergonomics
  • Data Collection
  • Some Suggestions for Avoiding Ergonomic Disorders

Refund policy

You can cancel your booking and refund your fees before course start date by 48 hrs.

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Courses Price Schedule Branch Dates Course Details Reservation
Safety Awareness Courses / Ergonomics 200 USD Thursday Online From : 2024-09-26
To : 2024-09-29
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