Inspection Supply Chain Training CEO

IADC DIT / Confined Space and Rescue Training

IADC DIT / Confined Space and Rescue Training

Course Outline

  • Day 1
    • Standards & Definitions, The Safety Hazards related to the Atmosphere
    • Permits to work and other entry procedures, Identification and Risk Assessment of the Different Confined Spaces
  • Day 2
    • Roles and responsibilities of key personnel (Duties of entry supervisors, Duties of authorized entrants, Duties of the confined space attendant, Rescue Services, Non-Entry Rescue, The Rescue Plan)
    • Atmospheric Monitoring, The Respiratory Protection

Refund policy

You can cancel your booking and refund your fees before course start date by 48 hrs.

Courses Price Schedule Branch Dates Course Details Reservation
IADC DIT / Confined Space and Rescue Training 150 USD Thursday Online From : 2024-09-26
To : 2024-09-29
More Inforamtion Reservation